
Rated PG-13 for What?

Recently we purchased on Digital Versatile Disc James Cameron's Avatar: The Original Airbender. This film is rated PG-13 by the MPAA, which means one must have a parent willing to spend $13 for you to view it in the theater.

According to the obverse of the disc jacket, here are the reasons why Avatar is rated PG-13:
--Intense epic battle sequences and warfare: seems reasonable
--Sensuality: okay
--Language: No problem, although I didn't find anything particularly offensive about the Na'vi tongue
--Some Smoking: ?? Since when is a movie rated based on the volume of cigarette puffs taken? Didn't Dumbo get plastered in the G rated Disney movie of the same name? Didn't the PG rated Top Gun show a lot more skin than you were comfortable with? Didn't the title character in the family friendly Cinderella show some ankle?

I wonder what rating a movie would get if it were full of gratuitous smoking?