
Writer's Lab #9

A Math Puzzle

"A Ben and Jerry's delivery truck loaded with quarts of Phish Food leaves Burlington, Vermont at 9:30 am traveling south-southwest at 55 miles-per-hour with a 4 knots-per-hour head wind.
"At 9:45 am a Breyer's truck filled with Plain Vanilla half-gallons leaves Philadelphia traveling north-northeast at 55 miles per hour with an undetermined head wind.
"When these two trucks collide, how many people will run into the street to feast on free ice cream?"
The class was stunned silent.
"Well?" Mrs. Archive asked. "Martin!" she exclaimed, pointing at him. "How many?"
"Uh, I dunno. Twelve?" Martin answered squeamishly.
"Twelve?" the teacher asked. "How did you come to that answer?"
"Uh, well, uh, 'cause I'm twelve years old?"
"Keep in mind Martin," Mrs. Archive explained, "that the trucks will crash somewhere near New Haven, Connecticut during the lunch rush. It is a hot day, so a lot of people are going to want ice cream."
"I believe I know the answer, " Jamie stated confidently. "Forty-seven."
"How did you arrive at that number, Jamie?" Mrs. Archive quizzed.
"Well, it was simple. I merely calculated the third moment of the arc-coversant derivative ellipsoid field quadrant. Multiplied by a factor to account for those who are honest and won't steal ice cream from two crashed vehicles. Oh, and I factored in the E.M.T. who would otherwise normally jump in for free ice cream, but having been trained in emergency response instead goes to help mend the badly broken bodies of the drivers."
"You are correct," Mrs. Archive said proudly.

1 comment:

Jim Jiminy said...

Very clever. I quite enjoyed this one. More, more, more. Please?