
Writer's Lab #2

Tell about home cures for hiccups, warts, toothaches, colds, earaches, etc.

Once I got a horrendous bowel obstruction. I was playing a game where I pretended that I was a hen and sat on golf balls hoping they would "hatch". Come to think of it, it was a pretty stupid game. There was no structure to it. There were no rules. No one kept score. In fact, there was no "we". Just me, alone, on a very boring Wednesday afternoon when I should have been at work.

I must have sat the wrong way on one of these golf balls, because I could definitely feel a foreign object where the sun don't shine. I waddled into the kitchen where April, fortunately for me, was brewing a home-made colonic. She was tenderly stirring a ghoul-green mixture on the stove. I told her emphatically, "I need 200 cc's of whatever that is, STAT!"

(Although I don't know what a "cc" is, nor do I know what "stat" means, it must be important, for I heard those words used in a similar sentence on "Doogie Howser".)

Before April could answer, I grabbed the pot by both hands and gulped down the brew. In spite of it being incredibly hot, and permanently burning off 2/3's of my taste buds, my grievous bowel obstruction instantly popped out and gave me tremendous relief.

Except for the taste in my mouth. I was able to taste the mystery concoction before it burned off my buds.

"What was in that?!?" I quizzed, slurredly and with a disgusted look permanently ingrained on my face.

"Well, let's see." April responded. "One cup of eye-of-newt, two cups of foot-of-newt. Some ginseng, some tonicseng. A pinch of nutmeg, a dash of culpepper. Horseradish, Worcestershire sauce, Devonshire sauce, and vanilla extract for flavor."

"Nasty!" I resounded. "But in a delicious sort of way."


Jim Jiminy said...

Keep 'em coming!

Jim Jiminy said...

Hey! When are we going to get some updates?

Lord Procurator of the Lunatic Fringe said...

I had to take a similar concoction for my randomly explosive diarrhea that made it's presence unmistakably known one unfortunate day accepting the Nobel Prize for literature... Come to think of it, it may have been a dream. That makes sense seeing that I was in my underpants the entire speech.