
Writer's Lab Intro

I am currently taking a writing course. The focus is on children's books and magazines. The goal at the end of the course it to submit a story or article to an editor to get published.

To be a good writer, you must write a lot. At this point, work, exam study, family, and fixing up the house demand much of my time. There is still time to write, I just have to do it. While we were in Utah this summer, April discovered at her parent's house a "thought jar". It's a ceramic jar that she made filled with little strips of paper containing a question to answer or thought to elaborate on. I thought this would be a great way for me to have some good, short, writing exercizes. So, we smuggled the jar home, and as of right now, I haven't started.

Thus, I will use my new blogging powers as a means to move forward with my writer's ambitions. And all can share in the goodness. (All three of you who read this.)


Jim Jiminy said...

Nice! 1/3 of your reading audience expresses excitement in reading your writing.

Anonymous said...

Ahem. I just need to clear up one tiny, rather insignificant fact. I did NOT make the jar. I baught it as a gift to my mother and discovered it behind a curtain gathering dust. While my mother appreciated the thought she wasn't such a big fan of the actual object. My sole purpose in attaining ownership was to rescue the jar, it just happened to be filled with these silly questions John has taken a liking to. So I have to ask...John please give me back my jar. You can keep the scraps of paper, but the jar deserves a better resting spot than your closet. Thanks!