
Easy Ass Pie

Some of my readers may be shocked at the three- and four-letter words I have used in the title of this piece, such as "pie" and "easy". Of course, this is just a play on a well-cliched phrase.

When I lived in Argentina, I was quickly introduced to one of their delicacies. It looked and smelled and tasted just like a regular burrito. Yes, the Argentines simply ripped off the idea from the Mexicans (or whoever came up with it).

As we all know, the word "burrito" is a portmanteau of two Spanish words, "burro" meaning "tortilla," and "ito" meaning "filled with beans and cheese". The Argentines had a different word. I don't actually recall the word, but I do remember that it loosely translated to "donkey pie". Now, the idea of eating pie made out of a donkey didn't sound very appealing to me at first. Hearing the word, and grasping it's translation, my brain immediately conjured up images of farm-fresh cow desserts. Even though it looked and smelled and tasted just like a regular burrito, I was rather suspicious. Even though my taste buds were saying, "C'mon! Eat it! You know it's just regular beans and cheese," my mind was saying, "Ugh! I don't know about this. A donkey? Are you positive that it's not ground-up disease-ridden donkey? You've only been here three days and you've already witnessed tardy mail delivery. Are you sure you can trust these people?"

Turns out I could trust them, and did. My taste buds ruled that day, and I helped myself to another donkey pie.

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